Mornin! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We had a super busy weekend, but what's new!? Friday we decided to have a yard sale first thing Saturday morning. I spent all afternoon pulling stuff out which really wasn't that hard because I had a corner of my dining room dedicated to "yard sale stuff". We didn't do too bad for not advertising other than here and Facebook and 3 signs on the roads. My oldest set up a lemonade stand and raised $9.30 for Childhood Cancer. She has such a sweet, giving heart.
My hubby, Eric has lost over 100 lbs in the last year and is currently in training to compete in his first triathlon. A very expensive endeavor I might add that our budget is just not prepared to support! However, I'm in support of anything he wants to do to better his health. The Lord has blessed us with so many good, giving friends and family! A friend from church came over a few weeks ago and dropped off a bike for Eric to start riding, then another friend called him up and said he wanted to do the triathlon with him and had access to kayaks(which will be a portion of the triathlon) for $8 a day! That is awesome considering the one he's wanting to buy is about $500! Finally, yesterday after church my uncle stops by with a surprise! A barely used, all the bells and whistles Trek racing bike for Eric to use as long as he needs it. SWEET! This is turning out to be not so expensive after all! Thanks everyone!
There are some new features appearing on House of Collums this week that I am super excited about! First and foremost you can now purchase Coupon Binders here on HOC! I am so excited to offer these. Wish someone would have had it all together for me when I started. Also, a new posting schedule! Hope ya'll enjoy it. If you would like to contribute in anyway please feel free to submit a story or idea to thehouseofcollums @ gmail dot com.
Sunday: Another Week of Deals: Drug stores and Target (with shopping scenarios if time allows)
Monday-Friday: Coupons and Coffee
Monday: The Mommy Minute
Tuesday: Tasty Tuesdays
Wednesday: Another Week of Deals: Grocery Stores
Thursday: Thrifty Thursday
Friday: Friday Funnies
Saturday: My day off!
Now for what you really want! THE COUPONS! Thanks to Hip2Save, Money Saving Mom, Freebies4Mom, Jessica's Coupons, For the Mommas, and The Frugal Girls !
$2/1 Nivea for Men Skincare
$1/2 Luden's Throat Drops 25 or 30 count
$1/1 Edwards Dessert (excludes singles)
$1/1 Goodnights underwear jumbo or larger
$14 in Febreze coupons
$10 in Downy Coupons via snail mail
$1/1 Downy Wrinkle Release
$1.25/2 Del Monte Pineapples
Quiznos Coupons- these will go quickly!
FREE Shipping at The Children's Place- today only use EBATES5C also to get an extra 15% off
Garnier Fructis Anti-dandruff
How to Make Homemade Ice Cream- ebook
Father's Day Card from Tiny Prints- use FDGIFT and ship to yourself to get it free!
Lowercase Alphabet Color by Number printables
Father's Day Card from Snapfish- use FS4DAD expires TOMORROW 6/7!
The Affectionate Adversary by Catherine Palmer- Kindle
25 Healthy Low Cost Recipes- ebook pdf
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