There are two things babies can't live without...diapers and milk! Baby essentials are expense! I mean real expensive! The cost of Huggies diapers and Enfamil formula (when paying full price) for one month is equal to my car payment!!!!! Yeah I know ridiculous! It's not like we haven't already dropped a small house off at the hospital to pay for giving birth. Isn't the pain enough payment? Anyway, now how to get them cheap or possibly FREE? insert me**jumping up and down screaming I KNOW I KNOW!**
Ally-gator turned one year old last week and I've not paid full price for a pack of diapers since she was 3 months old. Sales and coupons are now my best friend (sorry Dawn!) I stock up on diapers when I can and I rarely pay more than $4 a pack and I'm usually getting something else cheap or free to go with it (i.e. baby food, wipes, snacks).
First, as soon as you find out you are pregnant sign up with EVERY baby company you can find like Huggies, Pampers, Enfamil, Similac, Gerber, etc. Every one of these companies will flood your mailbox and inbox with coupons and samples of all kinds. Then start hoarding those coupons(but make sure you use them before they expire!) Also, if you are a Publix or Winn Dixie shopper sign up for their baby clubs, because they send awesome coupons too. (If you drive out of state like me, to shop at a Publix go here to read how to sign up for the baby club and Publix magazines).
Now it's time to work those deals! My preferred place to shop for diapers is Rite Aid, because they consistently have the best deals. My friend Crystal at Crystal the Coupon Momma posts the best diaper deal available each week. I try to post the link here just in case you forget to go look!
Here's the deal I worked today. It could have been a lot better, but I had a cranky baby and a hungry 7 year old with me.
Transactions #1
1-Huggies Little Movers $8.99
-$2 Rite Aid Video Values coupon here
-$2 printable coupon here (I am showing print limit reached but that may be just for me!)
Pay $4.99 OOP and get a $2 UP reward so it was like paying $2.99!!
Transaction #2
1- Gallon Dairy Fresh Whole Milk $2.99 (may be regional price)
-$2 UP Reward
Pay $.99 OOP for a gallon of milk!
There are so many ways to go with this because that $2 UP reward spends like money on any future purchase (the same as Register Rewards from Walgreens).
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