Thursday, August 2, 2012

Great deals you shouldn't miss this week!

I know I know! It's been a while and all I can say is I'm sorry and I can't promise that it's going to get any better. Got to be honest right? Just know I'm doing the best I can with the life I have right now.

There are some great deals you don't want to miss this week:

Winn Dixie
Jif peanut Butter $2.50
Kellogg's Pop Tarts 6 ct. 3/$5
-$2/3 Kellogg's/ Keebler booklet on large display in meat dept. @ Ocean Springs WD
*Make a Meal:
3- Kelloggs cereals $4.99 each (maybe a little less or little more depending on type)
-$1.50/2 Kellogg's cereal Kellogg's/ Keebler booklet on large display in meat dept. @ Ocean Springs WD
-$.70/1 Kellogg's Mini Wheats with a Touch of Fruit Raspberry (thanks WD on a Dime!)
-$1/2 Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats Cereals, 14.5 oz+ RP 7/29/12 
-$1/3 Kellogg’s Krave, Frosted Flakes, Apple Jacks, Froot Loops, Corn Pops and or Frosted Mini-Wheats little Bites Cereals, 8.7 oz+ RP 7/29/2012 
-$1/2 Kellogg's Raisin Bran, Crunchy Nut or Smart Start (if included)
Get Free:
-1 gallon milk
-1 dozen eggs
-1 Seneca Apple juice
-1 Wonder Bread

Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts $1.77 lb**HOT**
Kraft 8 oz. shredded or block cheese $1.99
Kraft Cheese Singles 12 oz. $1.99 * I would ad match this at Walmart to use WD coupon
Zatarains Rice mixes $1
-$.50/3 RP 6/10/12
Kraft Grated Cheese BOGO Price? 

Ad match @ Walmart

Kraft Cheese Singles 12 oz. $1.99
- $1/1 Kraft 12 oz. singles Winn Dixie Coupon found in Back to School Flyer