Earlier in 2011 I started on a journey to lose weight. Over the course of the last year I've lost 30 pounds and managed to keep off! I also participated in my first 5K race. I came in dead last. I mean L A S T! My husband finished the race and the came back and walked half of it with me to the finish line. It was my worst moment and my proudest all at the same time. I finished a 5k race!
So now on to this year's plan. I just signed up to participate in the Couch to 5K program with
Run N Tri. For $65 I'll be participating in an 8 week program written by a USAT certified trainer and led by Lisa McComb a certified fitness guru (my hubby met Lisa while on his own road to losing weight. You can read about it
here). Anyway, after 8 weeks of training, specifically tailored to my needs, I should be RUNNING not walking a 5K. Now, I won't come in first. In fact I may come in dead last again, but I'll have run it this time which means things will only be getting better.
Now the real reason behind all of this? E and I will be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary this summer. We are planning on doing a vow renewal ceremony and having a small reception afterwards. Kind of having a wedding that we never had (but way more low key and informal) since we ran off and got married ( I was pregnant and we thought it was the right thing to do...see we are all flawed!). Little did we know 10 years and two kids later things would be better now than they were then and God would be putting us on a road to ministry! I'm still unnerved by the thought that God would use me, a terribly flawed person, to spread the message of His love. Anyway.....my ADD is kicking in.....I want to look better now than I did 10 years ago!
As we prepare for celebrating 10 years, I'll also be participating in the
31 days tp Pray for your Spouse Challenge. What better way can I show him that I love him more than being committed to praying for him daily?
Are you setting some goals for the new year? Want to join me in learning how to run? Check out
Run N Tri's facebook page for more information. You must register by Jan. 2nd. There are scheduled runs in Gulfport on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I know I won't be able to make it to all three every week so I plan to run here in Ocean Springs with a few other people.